Dangers of Opioids

Prescription opioids, like Percocet®  and Vicodin® , may seem safe when you first start using them. But their strength can overwhelm you and lead to harder drugs, like heroin. It’s not that you are weak. Opioids are just that strong.

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We are not here to judge. We are here to help. The People’s Opioid Project provides resources to help you keep your prescription opioid use under control.


A Hidden Threat

When you first start using prescription opioids, they may feel safe. But like wading into the ocean, their risk increases the deeper you go.


The power of these medications can sweep you away and take you deeper and deeper...


Until you lose control

Extended use of opioids can lead to addiction or overdose, or even lead you to harder drugs, like heroin, to get your fix. Opioids are just that strong.


Your Prescription

Learn the risks of opioid use and check out some tips for safely handling your prescription

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Warning Signs

Learn about common warning signs of opioid problem use

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Opioid Risks

Learn how overdoses work and why anyone can be affected by the powers of opioids  

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Get the info you need with The People’s Opioid Project
